商品名: Molecular Theory of Solvation
Full Description
Molecular Theory of Solvation presents the recent progress in the statistical mechanics of molecular liquids applied to the most intriguing problems in chemistry today, including chemical reactions, conformational stability of biomolecules, ion hydration, and electrode-solution interface. The continuum model of "solvation" has played a dominant role in describing chemical processes in solution during the last century. This book discards and replaces it completely with molecular theory taking proper account of chemical specificity of solvent.
The main machinery employed here is the reference-interaction-site-model (RISM) theory, which is combined with other tools in theoretical chemistry and physics: the ab initio and density functional theories in quantum chemistry, the generalized Langevin theory, and the molecular simulation techniques.
2023年度 サピックス 1年 年間テスト マンスリー確認テスト 組分け 復習トクマの特選 打海文三 梶龍雄 多島斗志之 筒井康隆 都筑道夫 中町信 山田正紀For Heaven's Sake by Damien Hirst宝塚 本 天海祐希ヤングアニマル1993年3号/ベルセルク第8話掲載/三浦建太郎/レア